Change Netflix Language
Until recently I was under the impression that I needed to have a VPN in order to watch videos on Netflix with foreign subtitles and audio. Also, Netflix has started cracking down on users with VPN’s rendering a lot of them useless. Recently I found out that it’s possible to change your language settings in your account settings, this gives you access to a 20 languages. Not all tv shows and movies are available in all languages, however, I found most Netflix original programmes (ones made and distributed by Netflix themselves) to have subtitles and dubbing options available. Anyway, I’m going to walk you through step by step on how to do it.

This is how Netflix appeared before I changed my settings from English as you can see I’m watching House of Cards, and only English audio and subtitles are available.

Firstly, go to the top right by your account name and click on account.

Scroll down to the bottom, to the My Profile section and click on language.

Now select the language you would like and click on save. Sadly, not every language appears, but hopefully the one that you’re learning is there!
4. Refresh your browser and you’re done! Try watch something and have a look down at the audio/subtitle options, there should be a few more options available. As you can see, I changed my language from English to German and now German audio and subtitles appear.

After changing my language to German, German audio and subtitles are available!

Here is an episode from the TV show Peaky Blinders – German audio and subtitles are also available.
This is a great way to get more content or watch some of your favourite shows with dubbing and/or subtitles. It’s the best way to change language without having to pay for a VPN. Before the only movies and tv shows I could watch in foreign languages were those in the international movies section (which here in NZ has a pretty small selection of videos). You’ll have to go through you’re favourite shows to see if they’re available in other languages, not all of them are but I’ve pretty much all of the Netflix originals to have dubbing and subtitles. At the end of the day it’s better than nothing! Now get on Netflix and watch something.