By Published On: January 17th, 2023Categories: Assimil Posts, Review

Assimil French (2020 Edition) Review

Assimil’s French course has been a staple in French language learning for decades. It’s time to put it to the test and find out if it lives up to its reputation as a comprehensive and effective method for self-study.

What is Assimil?

Assimil is a France-based publishing company that specialises in publishing foreign language courses. Created by Alphonse Chérel in 1929, the company has grown into a household name in France, however outside it isn’t nearly as well-known.  Assimil is a popular language learning method that uses a combination of listening, reading, and speaking exercises to help learners acquire a new language. Many people have had success with the Assimil method and find it to be an effective way to learn a new language.

The Method

The Assimil method is based on Intuitive Assimilation which was created by Alphonse Chéral. The method consists of working your way through the first half of the course known as the passive phase, during which you immerse yourself in the language simply by reading and repeating each lesson. Once you have completed the passive phase you move on to the active phase where you go back over the previous lessons while continuing to learn the new lessons.

One of the key features of the Assimil method is its emphasis on immersion. The method uses native speakers and authentic materials, such as dialogues and texts, to simulate the experience of living in a foreign country and learning the language naturally. This helps learners develop a feel for the rhythm, pronunciation, and idiomatic expressions of the language, which are essential for speaking and understanding it fluently.

Another advantage of the Assimil method is its flexibility. It’s designed to be self-paced, so learners can work at their own speed and adjust the level of difficulty to their abilities and needs. The method also offers a range of materials, including books, audio CDs, and online resources, so learners can choose the format that suits them best.

Table of Contents

The Assimil French 2020 edition contains 100 lessons with 812 pages in total. Quite a leap from 634 from the previous edition (1998).

  • Introduction
  • About the Assimil Method (expectations, how does it work)
  • Pronunciation (vowels, accented vowels, consonants, linkage and liaison, stress)
  • Punctuation
  • Lessons 1 to 100 (pages 1-634)
  • Grammar Overview (pages 636-667)
  • French – English Lexicon (pages 668-738)
  • English – French Lexicon (pages 739-811)


The book’s layout is similar to that of a parallel text, you have the target language on the left and the teaching language on the right. The lessons follow a uniform approach comprising of :

  • Dialogue –   Parallel dialogues English/French
  • Notes – Usually explaining small grammar points relating to the dialogue
  • Translation exercises – translate French sentences into your L1 (native language/teaching language)
  • Fill in the blank exercise.
  • There is a revision lesson every seventh lesson which goes over various grammar points and expressions that were introduced in the previous lessons.

There aren’t any huge layout changes compared to the previous edition, only font colour and sizing seem changed.


Having previously used the older edition from 1998, I can say that this course was in dire need of an update. A lot of the dialogues felt dated in our day and age, so it’s great that they finally gave it a refresh. The author of this course is the same as in the previous edition: Anthony Bulger.

Exercises / Grammar Explanations

Each lesson in the course includes two types of exercises: a translation exercise where sentences are translated from French to English, and a fill-in-the-blank exercise. The exercises in the book are not particularly challenging, and this course may not be suitable for those looking for more challenging exercises. The grammar explanations are provided as notes following the dialogue, referencing specific parts of the dialogue as needed. Every seventh lesson includes a review, which reinforces grammatical concepts and vocabulary from the previous six lessons, and may include a translation dialogue. This format is consistent across all Assimil courses.

Cultural Notes

While this course may not have as many cultural notes as some other courses, it does include interesting cultural information throughout the book in bright red text. Topics covered include La mairie (town hall), le système de santé (the health care system), food, notes on Paris, other regions in France, and more.


The Assimil series is renowned for its high-quality recordings, and the audio for this course is no exception.  The speakers begin speaking at a slower pace, gradually increasing to a more natural speed throughout the course. The course offers several audio options, including the Super Pack which includes the book, four audio CDs, and a USB stick with mp3 files. The mp3 files on the USB stick are particularly useful as they allow for further breakdown of the audio and listening to dialogue line by line. Sample the audio below with lessons 1, 50, and 100


The Assimil courses are not exactly budget-friendly, but I believe the value they provide justifies the cost. It’s worth noting that Assimil is a French company, so finding the books outside of Europe can be challenging, especially in physical bookstores. Another option is to purchase the book without the audio, which is the cheapest option. However, the most cost-effective solution is to purchase the download pack which includes the book and audio which you download from the Assimil site with the code provided in the box. The course also offers an e-method on iOs and Android, but I do not recommend it as the user experience is not optimal. I will provide a review of the e-method in future.

I’ve listed the prices in Euros, prices will differ depending on where you find them, used or new.

Book: €26.90
Book + USB: €69.90
Book + Downloadable audio: €49.90
Book + CDs: €65.90
E-course: €49.90

Note – Be careful when buying the book from other places, Assimil gave the 1998 edition several facelifts over its life with new cover art which looks very similar to the new edition, make sure you buy the correct one!

Assimil French

Price: see links


  • Contextual learning
  • Bilingual approach
  • Fantastic Audio quality
  • Progressive difficulty
  • Presents grammar in a more friendly manner


  • Doesn’t suit all learning styles
  • B2 claims not realistic
  • Can be expensive
  • Limited speaking practice


This new edition of Assimil French is a great self-study book if you are learning French. In my opinion, Assimil French is one of the best self-study books for learning French and one of their flagship courses being a French language publishing company.


This new edition of Assimil French is a great self-study book if you are learning French. In my opinion, Assimil French is one of the best self-study books for learning French and one of their flagship courses being a French language publishing company. I wasn’t recommending the previous edition to my friends because it felt dated, but this refreshed course with new dialogues changes that. Overall, the Assimil method is a well-regarded and effective way to learn a new language. It may be worth considering if you’re looking for a structured, immersive, and flexible language learning method that presents grammar is nice little bite-sized chunks.

I have to mention Assimil’s B2 claims that they love putting on their book covers, I find it extremely unrealistic and a bit of a dirty marketing strategy that they imply you will reach a B2 level from using this book. I think it’s doubtful someone will achieve this level from using this book alone, perhaps in conjunction with other resources, podcasts, reading etc. But don’t purchase this book if you think it will magically take you from complete beginner to B2.

If you want to learn more about how to use Assimil then check out how to use Assimil

Assimil French

  • Contextual learning
  • Bilingual approach
  • Fantastic Audio quality
  • Progressive difficulty
  • Presents grammar in small chunks


  • Doesn’t suit all learning styles
  • B2 claims aren’t realistic
  • Can be expensive
  • Limited speaking practice


This new edition of Assimil French is a great self-study book if you are learning French. In my opinion, Assimil French is one of the best self-study books for learning French and one of their flagship courses being a French language publishing company.